10 iPhone Apps That Will Automate Your Daily Tasks. For an environment that’s notoriously stifling and closed off or a walled off ecosystem. Or a system that is notoriously restrictive and walled off, the iPhone Shortcuts app was a an oasis of light -perhaps something that has made Steve Jobs roll in his grave for having the guts to hand back control to the user. It was initially an application for power users, known as Workflow that Apple bought in 2017. It was then released as a pre-installed naedtive app with the release of iOS 12. Shortcuts is a graphical scripting program that offers users with no programming experience a straightforward method of programming if-then tasks. Shortcuts isn’t the only one of its kind, and apps such as Tasker are available on Android for many years before. But, Shortcuts is dead simple to use and comprehend and is surprisingly effective If you’re aware of how to use it. Even better, users can make their own shortcuts available to benefit others automate each part of their daily lives.
The Shortcut application is split into two parts that are shortcuts and automations. Shortcuts are a one-time sequence that which you can start at any time. We’ve discussed some great shortcuts before however, today we’ll focus on shortcuts that may help with everyday tasks. Here are ten ways that you can make these tasks easier using the Shortcuts application.
Disclaimer on shortcuts
Shortcuts are great, but they also pose a danger. In the end, they are scripts which could be programmed to cause some serious damage when it is misused. Shortcuts can access most of the apps available on your iPhone and can theoretically steal information from them and then send the data to another location. It’s not likely that hackers could take advantage of it to control you, and even compromise you and your Apple ID, but better to be safe than sorry, right?
Be aware of the source you’re downloading from. You might think you’re downloading a shortcut, but actually you’re downloading an executable that is infect. Be aware of your. Avoid sites with ad-laden ads and download links that are gaudy, and everything that’s not protect by HTTPS. Find out from community members about an alternative if you’re uncertain. The subreddit r/shortcuts is full of information and posts. All shortcuts Apple offers directly in its application or on iCloud have been scrutinize, and are extremely likely to be safebut it’s never a bad idea to verify.
Always examine a shortcut prior to when you use it. Do not go through the settings as fast as you can, just like it’s conditions of service. Examine URLs, or any instances where the shortcut might appear to send an email messages or emails. Check if it is able to access an application that it should not. While running the shortcut pay attention to the the permissions prompts that pop-up and refuse any that do not appear to be correct. A shortcut isn’t able to cause harm just because it’s within your Shortcuts library If you feel an unpleasant feeling in your stomach then delete it. It is impossible to be too cautious.
SiriGPT: use ChatGPT to make verbal requests

ChatGPT will be integrate to the iPhone and will be integrate with Apple Intelligence in iOS 18. There are two issues the first is that Apple Intelligence only goes into Beta in Fall 2024, and is not yet an official release. Two all users with the iPhone 15 and below won’t be able to utilize it. SiriGPT is the second perfect option. Be aware that you must include credit in your account to enable API use. New accounts are provided with around $18 in free trial credit that expires after one month. If you do not have API credit, SiriGPT can only give the blank text box.
To begin, get the API keys to Your ChatGPT account. Navigate to platform.openai.com/login and head to Your profile > User API keys > Create new secret key. Give the key the name (SiriGPT) and set it having the “All” permissions, then copy the output. As of this writing the article, it appears that you will not access these API keys via the application directly. Instead, you’ll have to access them using the desktop.
Next, download then the SiriGPT shortcut. Within SiriGPT’s Shortcuts app, press on the 3 dots in order to modify SiriGPT. Then, copy your API key exactly in the area that reads “ADD API KEY HERE.” Hit Done. Click the shortcut to launch it. You’ll receive a prompt asking for permission. request asking you to let the shortcut utilize Speech Recognition. Hit Allow. You can ask it a question to test it; once you can answer it you need to permit it to transmit the answer to api.openai.com. Click “Always Allow” if you would like to repeat the test in the future, or “Allow Once.” If you’ve got API credits you’ll be able to get a fairly quick text-only response with no chatbox interaction. It’s a faster method to contact ChatGPT as opposed to the standard chat app particularly if you create the shortcut for the iPhone 15 Pro’s Action button.
Automate your orientation lock

A majority of users leave their screen orientation locked off in order to watch videos on, for instance. YouTube the screen automatically changes to landscape mode. This is annoying when switching to another application that requires you to stay in portrait mode. Simply turn your phone just a bit too far and it’s back to landscape mode and you have to pull up to the Control Center and switch your orientation switch. If you decide to switch back to landscape mode, you’ll have repeat the process. This is a huge eye roll. However, there’s an amazingly simple pair of automatizations. That can ensure that you don’t need to worry about the lock’s orientation again.
Go to the Automation tab of the Shortcuts application. It is the time to set up two distinct automations. First, press the plus button, and then type in “App.” Select all the apps you wish to remain in landscape orientation. Then remove “Is Opened” selected. Select “Run Immediately.” Click “Next,” then search for “Set Orientation Lock.” Make sure to change “Toggle” to “Turn” and then select “Off” so when you start any of these applications, the app will shut off the orientation lock and your iPhone will switch to automatic landscape mode. Hit “Done.”
To automate the second one for the second automation, you will perform the same process, but with the settings reversed. Switch “Is Opened” to “Is Closed,” and then change to change the “Turn” condition to “On.” When you exit the apps, it’ll bring the orientation lock on. This automation is excellent in the event that you keep the orientation lock turned on and let the automations alter the orientation lock. Sometimes, switching between the affected applications can cause problems However, once you’ve established these automations it’s almost impossible to ignore the need to adjust an orientation lock.
Set reminders for battery levels
Are you one of the people who completely ignore your battery until you receive the low-power warning? It’s not just annoying since you’ll need to search for a charger, it’s harmful to your battery’s overall health. One of the most common myths regarding battery life is the notion that it’s okay to let your phone go to 0% without charging. Healthy batteries are at their excellent when it’s kept between 20 and percent, or forty and eighty percent in the event that you desire to keep it for the long haul. Therefore, to assure your battery is protecte (and receive a warning before it gets depleted) make an automatic setting so your phone can notify that you (out the loud) that it’s the time for charging.
Two automations are required to do this. Select the plus icon, then look on “Battery Level.” Make it “Equals 20%” and select “Run Immediately.” Click Next, and then look on “Speak Text.” The phone will speak the words you type loudly Therefore, type the words such as “Phone needs to be charged.” Hit Done. Create another automated that’s the identical, with two options. Set the battery level to “Equals 80%” and change the spoken message into “Phone is done charging.”
Your phone will now notify you when it is time to plug into and unplugged. If you’re not a big person who likes to hear the words read out loud you can switch “Speak Text” to “Show Notification.” Then, you’ll get a pop-up with the text you want to display.
Water Eject: Make sure you keep your iPhone dry

Its Water Eject feature in the Apple Watch is an excellent feature to flush the device of water after swimming. It works by with a series of tones that vibrate and definitely shake out liquid so audio and phone calls don’t become lost in the mix. There is no such feature in the iPhone. The iPhone is water-proof (provided that it’s a model 7 or higher) however, even if there’s no way to swim with it, this feature can be beneficial should you be walking through the rain, or spilled a drink onto the device. In such situations in which you’re out and about, Water Eject’s shortcut Water Eject shortcut saves the day.
The shortcut can be download from iCloud. Press it to start. It is necessary to click “Start” on the prompt which appears, and then select an intensity setting (this will only alter the duration the tone will play for). Once the tone has been played, you’ll hear an euphoric chime. Voila! Within a couple of seconds, your iPhone will be free of water. The shortcut will load an URL to Wikipedia commons once it is finishe however don’t worry it’s just to show the water icon in its message of completion.
If you’d like, make the shortcut voice-activated. Simply say to Siri “water eject” and the same sequence of prompts will be displaye. If you’re finding yourself frequently wet (we will not ask you why) make sure to you can add it to your home screen for easy access. Click 3 dots in order to modify the shortcut and then click the dropdown arrow beside Water Eject at the top and choose “Add to Home Screen.” This can be done with any of the shortcuts discusse within this post.
Amazon Tracker: See Amazon price history
If you’re a frequent buyer at Amazon (who isn’t these times?) You know that it’s a sin to buy something without reviewing the price history. A quick look at camelcamelcamel.com frequently will show that if one waits for an offer, you’ll be able to knock off a significant amount from the cost. The issue is that the process is difficult to follow, particularly on a small iPhone screen that doesn’t have a split screens. This makes it easier to simply copy-paste the URL from the app into Safari. Amazon Tracker makes this process simpler and quicker.
You can download it through iCloud. To access it, search for an item you want to see on Amazon and click on the Share button. Press “More” to get to Apple’s share sheet. Let the shortcut copy and paste the URL from your clipboard. Choose which one you would like to test the cost: Keepa Camlcamelcamel both simultaneously.
Let’s suppose you want to test the two Keepa and camelcamelcamel at the same manner. Select”Combined Charts” to select “Combined charts” opportunity. You’ll need to permit any websites to be load (the shortcut must draw data from both Keepa and camelcamelcamel in a separate manner). Once the shortcut is finished you’ll be presented with it’s history of prices that you can zoom and pinch for a more convenient comparison. After that, you can save it or share it with your friends. Simple to do that. Once you’ve mastered the art that it’s much faster and simpler than checking yourself using the computer.
SW-DLT: Download YouTube videos
While YouTube continues to increase its efforts to fight blocking ads and the problem becomes more expensive, YouTube Premium is looking increasingly like a extortion scheme. If you’d like to view videos without ads (and online) the SW-DLT program is the accurate choice. All it requires is the open-source yt-dlp and gallery-dl to download video and customize options to select the quality of the video frame rate, frame rate as well as audio only. more. You will have to install the app A-Shell mini to allow this to function.
Then download the shortcut using the iCloud link. Select the YouTube video you wish to download and click”Share”. Click on “More” to access the Apple share sheet. Click on SW-DLT. Following the initial prompt, you’ll see an array of choices: “Download Video,” “Download Audio,” etc. We’ll pick “Download Video” for the purpose of this post. You can select any quality video you wish however SW-DLT suggests going default as this will automatically pick the excellent audio and video quality.
Then, you can allow the shortcut to open A-Shell mini application. The terminal will take care of the downloading process on your behalf So sit back and take a break. The terminal will direct users to Shortcuts application once it’s complete. Then, you’ll need to click Allow again, and then the video will be display ready to be downloaded. Because you’ll be bombard with a half dozen prompts each time that you make use of the shortcut, you should tap Always allow whenever possible to speed up the process of subsequent downloads.
Super Low Battery Mode: squeeze some battery life
iPhone comes with an acceptable low power feature, though it’s likely to save only a few percent at desirable. If you’re really looking for your phone to keep running, suggest either one of the two shortcuts such as Super-Low Battery mode v2.0 as well as Advanced Low Power Mode. They simply disable or lower the power of the most powerful settings on your phone, so you can draw maximum juice — particularly when you won’t require these settings, for instance an outing to camp.
Super-Low Battery Mode v2.0 is the most simple and less disruptive choice. It simply switches off or reduces the Wi-Fi connection, Bluetooth, screen brightness and media volume. It’s much simpler then opening up Control Center Control Center and doing all of those things by yourself. Advanced Low Power Mode is a battery-saving tool that is a bit more powerful In order to achieve it, you must follow the guide of the creator. You’ll have to disable the feature to have an always-on display (if you already have one) and then create an array of automated sequences after starting the setup. The creator of the shortcut, u/Secret-Access9909 states, “there are plenty of ‘low power mode’ shortcuts out there, but so far, from my own experience, this shortcut is objectively the accurate out of all of them.” It’s sufficient said.
If you’re extremely concerned about the battery life, you can take it a step further. You can try Fast Charge Mode, which also blocks a variety of features that consume power so your phone will charge just slightly quicker. The charging Time could also benefit in certain scenarios. It calculates automatically the amount of time it will take for your device to be charged based on the current situation.
DND until I Leave: Turn off the do not disturb feature after leaving the location
The focus options on the iPhone are amazing and none more so as Do Not Disturb. Just one click and you’ll no ever receive messages or any other notifications which is a double-edged weapon in the event that you’re one of the recipients turns out to be crucial. The most important thing you’d like to avoid to happen is for an emergency phone call to be delayed due to the fact that you did not disable the Do Not Disturb on. Do Not Disturb Until I Leave does exactly what it states on the tin when it is time to go from your place Do Not Disturb is going to be turned off.
It’s available to download on iCloud. Review the shortcut’s code to see how easy the script will be “Turn Do Not Disturb On until I Leave.” That’s it. It gets your location from your smartphone, rather than an app or a website that you do not trust.
It’s a great option for people who have to travel from place to place during the day. Imagine you’re attending a conference within the conference space. It is possible to turn on DND Until I Leave as it starts and you can rest sure that the focus mode will go switched off when you return to your desk in the hallway. The only issue (or maybe positive) is that you must be more than just moving to the opposite side of the room. As I’ve tested it the shortcut took longer than just moving to another room before the shortcut was activated.
Network Tool: rapidly diagnose problems with your network
iPhone does not come with any tools for troubleshooting networks built-in to it. You can download an app but you’ll have to choose a third-party app developer you may not be able to be sure to. Instead, protect your privacy while identifying easy network issues in just a few minutes using Network Tool. Network Tool. It’s able to display information about the Wi-Fi networks you’re connected as well as examine your speed, check the ping, and much more. It is available for download from iCloud.
The only thing that is odd about the shortcut, is that it will ask to know your name the first time it’s run; it’s not clear what the reason is however, there’s no issue as this information isn’t sent to any place. You can just type into any text that you like and you’ll be good. Also, keep in mind that when you perform an online speed test or Ping test, it’s dependent on fast.com and google.com in turn. The application also makes use of ip-api.com when you choose Advanced search for information or physical IP location map. If you’re not happy regarding these providers, this option might not be suitable for you.
Social Media Detox Extreme: Stay focus while working
The focus settings on your iPhone are great at of blocking distracting notifications whenever you’re at work but they don’t do anything to hinder you from accessing addicting Social Media apps. This is the reason Social Media Detox Extreme comes into. If you start an app isn’t something you should be using the shortcut will automatically close it according to the times you have set also. The application will (in an almost nonchalant way) recommend the things you should do at that particular time of the day. Like, for example, staying off Twitter (cough, cough, X) during the time in the hours between p.m. between 8 and 9 p.m. and the time you’ll block out to write that great American novel that you’ve been putting off.
For maximum functionality You’ll have to create an automated process that will trigger the shortcut each when you launch these applications. Also, you’ll need to alter the off-work break settings to allow you the chance to try a tiny doom scroll. The only drawback is that the app can’t stop you from using these apps completely; however, it is possible to deactivate or erase it at any point. It’s still a good idea to stop yourself from repeatedly using apps.
How can you automate things on the iPhone?
Enable an automation
- Within the Shortcuts app on your iOS or iPadOS device Click Automation .
- Select the automation you wish to turn on.
- Turn on Enable This Automation.
- Tap Done. If the trigger is triggered, the automated will either run or require for you to run it according to the settings you select in the next step below.
How can I create a routine with iPhone?
Manage Routines
- For your iPhone or iPad launch or launch the Google Assistant app .
- In the upper right corner you can tap the Profile photo or your initial. Routines.
- Choose the Routine you wish to modify.
- Change your Routine. To change an action or a starter you need to tap. To add a voice-command starter to your list: Tap Add starter. …
- On the right side at the bottom, tap Save.
How do I automate tapping on the iPhone?
Turn on Auto Tap at Settings > Accessibility > Switch Control > Tap Behavior > Auto Tap. After turning to Auto Tap, you can choose an item and then wait until an Auto Tap interval to finish. Install a switch that will make the tap gesture the Settings tab, Accessibility and Switch Control Switches.